Video Viewpoints, 1978-2002

“Video Viewpoints” provided a forum for artists and critics to screen and discuss new works, techniques and theories of video art. The series investigated fiction and non-fiction video, in the form of single-channel as well as installation work. Documentary, narrative, image process, performance, and theoretical genres were covered by two hundred and fifty artists and twenty-five critics featured in the program.






March 13, 1978
Steina Vasulka, “The Craft of Electronic Imagery”

March 27, 1978
Vito Acconci, “Face/Fight/Flash (Video as a Ground for Non-Video)”

April 24, 1978
Bill Viola, “Subjective Elements in Videotape Recordings”

May 8, 1978
Beryl Korot, “Video and the Loom: An Explanation of Ancient and Modern Technologies”

May 22, 1978
Jon Alpert, “The Work of the Downtown Community Television Center”


March 6, 1979
Charles Atlas and Merce Cunningham, “Video/Dance”

March 20, 1979
Robert Ashley, “Progress on Private Parts”

March 27, 1979
Susan and Alan Raymond, “Broadcast Journalism: Using Small-Format Video with a Technological and Theoretical Approach”

April 3, 1979
Antonio Muntadas, “Subjectivity/Objectivity: Private/Public Information”

April 17, 1979,
Mary Lucier
“Video into Sculpture: The Synergism of Form and Content”

April 29, 1979
Fujiko Nakaya
“Japanese Video Today”

May 1, 1979
JoAnne Birnie-Danzker, Richard Lorber, and John J. O’Conner, “Critical Viewpoints”


January 29, 1980
Nan Hoover, “Light as a Source of Illusion”

February 5, 1980
Noel Harding, “Representatives of a Projected Part: Poems and Novels in Video”

February 19, 1980
Claude Beller and Stefan Moore, “Access to the Air”

February 26, 1980
Gary Hill, “Processual Video”

March 4, 1980
Nori Sato, “Activating the Phosphors”

March 18, 1980
John Sturgeon, “Video Art as Alchemy”

March 25, 1980
Nam June Paik, “Random Access Video”

September 23, 1980
Shigeko Kubota, “Video Sculpture: Mental Landscape into Physical Landscape”

September 30, 1980
Wendy Clarke, “Love Tapes as Interactive Video Art”

October 7, 1980
Ed Emshwiller, “Image, Image-Making, and Time: Some Reflections on the Fourth Dimension 

October 14, 1980
Judith Barry, “The Dislocated Subject”

October 28, 1980
Peter Campus, “Video Thoughts, Memories”

November 4, 1980
Colin Campbell, “The New Audience”

November 25, 1980
Gene Youngblood, “The Future of Desire: The Art and Technology of Video in the Eighties”


September 22, 1981
Chip Lord, “The Artist-Producer”

October 5, 1981
Woody Vasulka, “Moving Image and Its Media”

October 20, 1981
Dara Birnbaum, “Pop-Pop-Video: Reinvesting in the American TV- Image”

October 27, 1981
Skip Blumberg, “Video Art As Entertainment”

November 3, 1981
Joan Jonas, “Videotapes From 1972-80”

November 17, 1981
Stuart Marshall, “Television/Representation/Sexuality”

November 24, 1981
Tony Oursler, “The More You Take from It, The Bigger It Gets”


January 31, 1983
Dan Graham, “Video / Architecture / Music”

February 7, 1983
John Sanborn and Kit Fitzgerald, “The Death of Video Art”

March 7, 1983
Tom Sherman, “Physics, Control, Behavior”

April 11, 1983
Dan Sandin, “Chicago Electronic Visualization: Video Synthesis into Computer Graphics”

April 18, 1983
Martha Rosler, “Ideology and the Politics of Everyday Life”

April 25, 1983
Mike Smith, “I Wonder What I’ll Talk About Tonight”

May 2, 1983 Thierry Kuntzel, “Screen Memory”

May 16, 1983
Alvy Ray Smith, “Electronic Filmmaking”

June 13, 1983
Judson Rosebush, “Designing Computer Animation with Natural Forms”

June 27, 1983
Michael Marton, “Watch Me Now”

October 3, 1983
Les Levine, “Video Art: Beginner’s Mind”

October 31, 1983
John Reilly and Julie Gustafson, “The Pursuit of Happiness: Using the Novel as a Model for the Documentary”

November 28, 1983
Juan Downey, “The Thinking Eye”

December 19, 1983
Ulrike Rosenbach, “Video—Live Performance in a Feminist Context: 1974-1982”


October 15, 1984
Dalibor Martinis, “Seeing Is (Not) Believing”

November 12, 1984
Ilene Segalove, “Trying to Tell the Truth on TV/Getting Personal in a World of Pat Answers and Pablum”

December 10, 1984
Laurie Anderson, “TV: Trespassing or an Unsolicited Gift”


January 7, 1985
Marina Abramovic, “Nightsea Crossing”

January 21, 1985
Mark Schubin, “The Differences Between Movies and Television”

February 4, 1985
Ardele Lister, “Tailored Truths”

March 4, 1985
Ken Feingold, “To Intensify Use of Time”

March 18, 1985
Bob Snyder, “Video Colorization Based on Musical Models”

April 15, 1985
Doug Hall, “Image as Spectacle: Video Works”

April 29, 1985
Lisa Steele, “Talking Tongues”

May 6, 1985
Paul Ryan, “Ecochannel for the Hudson Estuary”

June 3, 1985
Deedee Halleck, “In the Belly of the Beast: Encountering the Culture Industry on Public Access Cable”

June 24, 1985
Ed Bowes, “Story, Plot, and Central Crises in Television Narrative”

October 28, 1985
George Stoney, “What Has Video Done to Documentary?”

December 2, 1985
Joan Logue, “Video Portraits”


January 6, 1986
Ralph Hocking, “Video: A Re-Treat”

January 20, 1986
Mako Idemitsu, “The Video Monitor as an Inner World”

February 3, 1986
Tony Labat, “Inside the Coconut”

February 24, 1986
Jane Veeder, “Viewer into Player: An Interactive Approach to Digital Visual Art”

March 3, 1986
Pier Marton, “Revolting. Where We Are”

April 28, 1986
Victor Masayesva, “Electronic Tribalism: Native Americans and Video”

May 12, 1986
Nancy Stalnaker Norwood, “Integrating Elements”

June 2, 1986
Edin Velez, “The Meaning of the Interval”

September 26, 1986
Bill Viola, “I Do Not Know What It Is I Am Like”

September 29, 1986
Klaus vom Bruch, “Air Spirits”

October 27, 1986
Anna Bella Geiger, “Ultima Thule (The Last Thule)

November 3, 1986
Steve Fagin, “The Amazing Voyage of Gustav Flaubert and Raymond Roussel”

December 1, 1986
General Idea (AA Bronson, Felix Partz, and Jorge Zontal), “Occupying Formats”


January 19, 1987
Rita Myers, “Mythic Space”

February 19, 1987
Zbigniew Rybczynski, “The Future of Video”

March 2, 1987
Deanna Kamiel, “Television Essays”

March 30, 1987
Peter D’Agostino, “Double You: From Television to Interactive Videodisc”

April 27,1987
Anna Ridley and Ian Breakwell, “Private Face/Public Space”

May 4, 1987
Mary McFerran, “Tales of Transgression”

May 18, 1987
Shalom Gorewitz, “Black Fire”

September 21, 1987
Danièle and Jacques Louis Nyst, “l’Image”

October 19, 1987
Barbara London, Gene Youngblood, Donald Kuspit, and Raymond Bellour, “Bill Viola,” a symposium in conjunction with the exhibition “Bill Viola”

November 16, 1987
Gustav Hamos and Astrid Heibach, “Everyday Heroes and Heroines”

December 14, 1987
Tony Conrad, “Network, Society, and Personal Pluralism”


February 22, 1988
Cecilia Condit, “Not A Jealous Bone”

March 3, 1988
Mary Lucier and Elizabeth Streb, “Collaboration in Video and Dance”

March 7, 1988
Norman Cohn, “Quartet for the Deafblind”

April 4, 1988
Francesc Torres, “Video, Installation, and Content”

April 25, 1988
Stevenson J. Palfi, “Setting the Record Straight”

May 2, 1988
Madelon Hooykaas and Elsa Stansfield, “From the Museum of Memory”

May 16, 1988
Philip Mallory Jones, “Iconegro: Illuminations of a Black Aesthetic in Video Art”

October 3, 1988
Paulette Phillips, “Under the Influence”

October 31, 1988
Ileana Montalvo, Tony Avalos, and Alfredo Bejar
“Latino Collaborative: Independent Latino Media”

November 7, 1988
Paul Wong, “Ordinary Shadows, Chinese Shade”

November 28, 1988
Michelle Parkerson, “Document: A Personal to Social Change Media”

December 12, 1988
Julie Zando, “Selected Bedtime Stories”


April 10, 1989
Vanalyne Green, “A Spy In the House That Ruth Built”

April 24, 1989
James Byrne, “Recent Dance Video”

May 1, 1989
George Kuchar, “Camcorder Blues”

May 15, 1989
Paul Kos, “Diminuendo: Architecture, Sculpture, Video”

June 12, 1989
Peter Callas, “Speed-Images: Video Architecture”

June 19, 1989
Linda Gibson and Philip Mallory Jones, “A Black Aesthetic in Video”

October 2, 1989
Vito Acconci, Richard Herskowitz, and Amy Taubin, “Video and Language”

November 20, 1989
Maureen Nappi, “An Electronic Signature”

October 30, 1989
Zach Kunuk, “Qaggiq (Gathering Place)”

November 27, 1989
Branda Miller, “An Other Voice: Youth Empowerment Video Workshops”

December 4, 1989
Grahame Weinbren, “Interactive Cinema: An Approach to Narrative”


January 8, 1990
Sara Diamond, “Memory, History, and Documentary Fiction”

January 29, 1990
Kathy High, “I Need Your Full Cooperation”

February 26, 1990
David Shulman, “Escape from the Vast Wasteland”

March 5, 1990
Leslie Thornton, “Peggy and Fred in Hell”

March 12, 1990
Marlon Riggs, “Tongues Untied”

May 10, 1990
Barbara Steinman, “ICON”

October 29, 1990
Teiji Furuhashi, “Dumb Type and Its Roots”

November 13, 1990
Richard Foreman, “Out of the Body Travel”

November 26, 1990
Helen De Michiel, “Speculative Non-Fictions”

December 3, 1990
Annie Goldson and Chris Bratton, “Counterterror”


January 14, 1991
Shelly Silver, “Things I Forget to Tell Myself”

February 4, 1991
Jeanne C. Finley, “A Theater of Small Gestures”

February 25, 1991
Andrew P. Jones, “Panama: Just Cause?”

March 11, 1991
Peter Rose, “Man, Woman, Birth, Death, Infinity”

April 29, 1991
Louis Massiah, “Communal Memory/Community Visions”

June 10, 1991
Pratibha Parmar, “Visual Affirmations”

October 7, 1991
Sadie Benning, “A Place Called Lovely”

November 18, 1991
Tony Cokes, “My Mother, A Big Book, A Small House”

December 2, 1991
Lynn Hershman, “Terminal Culture and the Disembodied Presence”

December 16, 1991
Deep Dish Television, “Art and State: Issues Around Censorship”
Panel Discussion with Joy Silverman, Carole Vance, Mary Dorman, Juan Sanchez, and Jeffrey Chester


January 13, 1992
Marcel Odenbach, “Video Works”

February 10, 1992
Nancy Buchanan, “Talking Back”

March 9, 1992
Kim Tomczak and Lisa Steele, “Legal Memory”

April 6, 1992
Brook Williams and Rea Tajiri, “Video and Sound”

April 20, 1992
Ellen Spiro, “Interstate 81”

May 18, 1992 
Beth B, “Belladonna”

June 15, 1992
Shu Lea Cheang, “Collaborative Culture/Joint Installation”

October 19, 1992
Homer Flynn of the Residents, “Hissing and Kissing in the Wind”

November 2, 1992
Janice Tanaka, “Who’s Going to Pay for These Doughnuts Anyway?”

November 16, 1992
Julia Scher, “Surveillance Video Installation”

December 14, 1992
Sherrie Millner, “Wet Palms”


January 11, 1993
Ilan Ziv of Tamouz Media, “Settler’s Diary”

April 16, 1993
Shuntaro Tanikawa, “Video Letter”

April 19, 1993
Brad deGraf and Manuel DeLanda, “Entertainment Reaches Out: 3-D Graphics”

April 26, 1993
Jeffrey Shaw and Michael Joyce, “The Audience Makes Contact: Interactive Installations”

May 3, 1993
Monika Fleishmann and Wolfgang Strauss and Regina Cornwell, “Metaphor or Reality: Virtual Environments”

May 10, 1993
Erika Beckman and David Rosen, “Playing with Technology”

September 20, 1993
John Sturgeon, “Trap/bat”

October 4, 1993
Frances Peters and David Sandy, “Tent Embassy”

October 8, 1993
Steve Fagin, “Zero Degrees Latitude”

November 1, 1993
Katherine and Mick Hurbis-Cherrier, “Double Exposure”

November 15, 1993
Vincent Carelli, “Meeting Ancestors”

December 13, 1993
Ernest Gusella, “Operation Wandering Soul”


February 7, 1994
Peter Friedman, “Death by Design”

February 10, 1994
Antonio Muntadas, “Between the Frames”

April 15, 1994
Victor Burgin, “Venise”

May 2, 1994  
David Blair and Kathleen Wilson, “Electronic Tales”

May 9, 1994     
Perry Hoberman and Tom Sherman, “Person-Machine Relationships”

May 16,1994    
Judson Rosebush and Lauren Herr, “Visualization Software”

May 23, 1994
Alberto Muenala, Kichua Voice

June 14, 1994    
Laurie Anderson and Sara Diamond, “Machine Practices”

October 11, 1994    
Sandra Johnson Osawa, “Inside Native American Communities”

November 21, 1994    
Marina Grzinic, “Post Socialist Readings in Eastern Europe”

November 28, 1994     
Daniel Boord, “Wit and Its Relation to Video”

December 12, 1994     
Ross Harley, “DRIVE: Motion Landscapes”


January 23, 1995     
Michel Auder,  “Voyage to the Center of the Phone Lines”

March 13, 14, 1995 
Peter Forgacs, “Culture Shavings”

October 2, 1995 
Eder Santos, “Intriguing People (Enredando As Pessoas)”

October 23, 1995
Char Davies, “Osmose”

November 27, 1995 
Cheryl Donegan, “Rehearsals”

December 11, 1995
Irit Batsry, “Traces from a Passage”


January 29, 1996
Loretta Todd, “No Longer Forgotten”

February 12, 1996
Matthew Barney, “Cremaster 1”

March 11, 1996
Shani Mootoo, “Trans’-ing the Grain”

April 8, 1996
Jane Veeder, “The Digital Artist and Tool Development Trends”

April 15, 1996
Benjamin Weil (ada’web) and Julia Scher, “The Artist and the Internet”

May 13, 1996
Jim Campbell, “Delusions of Dialogue: Control and Choice in Interactive Art”

May 20, 1996
Simon Penny, “Reflexive Engineering, Embodied Agents and Culture as a Domain”

October 18, 1996
Kim Tomczak and Lisa Steele, “The Blood Records”

October 21, 1996
Steve Reinke, “100 Videos: The Movie”

November 4, 1996
Maureen Connor, “Appetites and Desires”

November 8, 1996
Cecelia Condit, “Oh, Rapunzel”

November 18, 1996
Denise Marika, “Video Sculpture/Personal Ritual”

December 9, 1996
Pipilotti Rist, “Pipalot”


January 6, 1997
Jem Cohen, “Where Documentary Collides”

January 27, 1997
Robert Beck, “Habeas Corpus”

February 10, 1997
Alix Pearlstein, Tatiana Parcero, and Kristin Lucas, “Young and Restless”

March 3, 1997
Willie Doherty, “Double Vision”

April 7, 1997
Ken Feingold, “The Interactive Art Gambit (‘Do not run! We are your friends!’)”

April 14, 1997
Natalie Jeremijenko, “Database Politics, Virtual Reality, and Social Simulations”

April 21, 1997
Diller + Scofidio, “This Is Not Now”

April 28, 1997
Sawad Brooks, “Kinograffiti”

May 19, 1997
Seoungho Cho, “in the midst of” 

October 6, 1997
Ximena Cuevas, “Medias Mentiras (Half Lies, Paper Illusions)”

November 7, 1997
Ardele Lister, Conditional Love”

November 24, 1997 
Wu Wenguang, “The Way as a Documentary”

December 8, 1997 
Zoe Beloff,  “Beyond” 


January 26, 1998
Stephanie Smith and Eddie Stewart, “Between Us”

March 9, 1998
Maria Magdalena Campos-Pons, “Spoken Softly with Mama”

April 27, 1998
Mariko Mori, “Spirit of Technology”

May 4, 1998
Tony Dove, “Interactive Movies-Virtual Ventriloquism”

May 11, 1998
Beryl Korot and Steve Reich, “Three Tales”

October 5, 1998
Vera Frenkel, “Inside Exile: Messiahs, Migration and Loss”

November 2, 1998
Paul McCarthy, Black-and-White Videotapes” 

November 16, 1998
Burt Barr, “The Elevator”

December 7, 1998
Charles Atlas, “Teach”


January 4, 1999
Ute Jeruss, “It’s in My Memory”.

January 25, 1999
VALIE EXPORT, Mediale Anagram III” 

February 22, 1999
Bruce and Norman Yonemoto, “It’s a Matter of Memory”

March 8, 1999
Robert Cahen, “The Sight of Time”

April 12, 1999
Lynn Hershman, “Infinite Time, Cyborgian Interaction and Digital Cinema”

April 19, 1999
Peter Weibel, “From Expanded-Cinema to Neuro-Cinema”

April 26, 1999
Asymptote (Rashid + Couture), “Convergence”

October 25, 1999
Pepón Osorio, Family, Community, and Identity”

November 15, 1999
Sylvie Blocher, “Living Pictures”

December 6, 1999 (VVS/Cineprobe)
Tom Kalin, “Urban Legend”

December 20, 1999
RT Mark, “Toy War Heats Up”


January 24, 2000
Nelson Henricks, Handy Man, etc.”

February 28, 2000
George Legrady, “Archive Construction and Narrative Practice in Interactive Media”

March 20, 2000
Shirin Neshat, “The Women of Allah”   



May 14, 2001
Seth Price and Laura Parnes, “New Work/New York”

May 15, 2001
Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle, Le Baiser/The Kiss” 

October 22, 2001
John Pilson and Jennifer and Kevin McCoy, “Spotlight on New Work”


January 14, 2002
Feng Mengbo, and Janine Cirincione and Michael Ferraro, “Dichotomies between Utopian Idealism and Private Realities”

February 25, 2002
Torsten Zenas Burns and Katarzyna Kozyra, “Humor as a Ploy”

March 18, 2002
Eleanor Antin and Tania Bruguera, “In Response to the Cultural Environment”

April 8, 2002 
Graham Harwood and Ron Kuivila, “Technologies as Adaptive Structures”